Working Papers
  1. (with Abel François and Pierre-Guillaume Méon), CESifo Working Paper No. 11328, September 2024. Submitted.
  2. (with Pierre-Guillaume Méon), CESifo Working Paper No. 11298, August 2024. Submitted.
    [ Media coverage: The Times Literary Supplement ]
Published and Forthcoming Papers

In Economics
  1. (with Pierre-Guillaume Méon and Ilan Tojerow), forthcoming at Economic Journal.
  2. (with Abel François and Pierre-Guillaume Méon), Public Choice, no. 202 (January 2025): 251–275.
  3. (with Pierre-Guillaume Méon), Journal of Industrial Economics, no. 72 (March 2024): 49-80.
    [ Media coverage: Le Vif, La Libre, CathoBel ]
In Organizational Behavior
  1. (with Constantin Lagios, Simon Restubog, et al.), Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, no. 97 (September 2024): 1037-1075.
  2. (with Constantin Lagios, Florence Stinglhamber, et al.), Current Psychology, no. 42 (September 2023): 22866–22880.
    [ Media coverage: Mind Help ]