Working Papers
  1. (with Pierre-Guillaume Méon), CEBRIG Working Paper N°23-009, October 2023.
Published and Forthcoming Papers

In Economics
  1. (with Pierre-Guillaume Méon and Ilan Tojerow), IZA DP No. 15589, September 2022, conditionally accepted Economic Journal.
  2. (with Abel François and Pierre-Guillaume Méon), CEBRIG Working Paper N°23-003, April 2023, forthcoming Public Choice.
  3. (with Pierre-Guillaume Méon), Journal of Industrial Economics, no. 72 (March 2024): 49-80.
    [ Media coverage: La Libre, CathoBel ]
In Organizational Behavior
  1. (with Constantin Lagios, Simon Restubog, et al.), forthcoming Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
  2. (with Constantin Lagios, Florence Stinglhamber, et al.), Current Psychology, no. 42 (September 2023): 22866–22880.
    [ Media coverage: Mind Help ]